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Privacy Policy

TIMM highly respects customer privacy. The policy stated below is applicable to process any personal information at Timm. All personal information you offer online and off-line is kept confidential and protected with the utmost care.

You are encouraged to provide as much accurate personal information as possible for us to keep a fast and effective business communication channel between us. Usually, the information including, but sometimes not limit to name, shipping address, email address, telephone number, IP address, billing address and the type, number, expiration date of credit card... will be used to efficiently process your order for the delivery, accounting and billing purposes.

Without your prior consent, we will not sell or disclose this information to any third party


1. With your express permission.
2. As required by law or regulatory authority.
3. Under other circumstances that TIMM deems necessary for your protection
4. In accordance with correlative TIMM regulations and other criteria.

TIMM accepts no legal responsibility for any loss caused by any or all of these above mentioned circumstances.
You will have sole responsibility for any loss attributed to your willing disclosure of your own personal information. TIMM undertakes to preserve the privacy of any personal details at all times as well as after the termination of your membership and retains the right to vary
this policy at any time without prior notice.

Tel: 0773-8990101
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Professional manufacturer specializes in digital calipers, depth & height gauge, eletronical indicators & micrometers, inclinometers, bar levels, scale unit and more measuring instruments & tools